It is well known that to obtain a balanced and harmonious blend, coffees from a range of origins have to be used. Each one brings its own aromas, its own proportions of bitter and sweet and its own body.
The characteristics of each quality combine, balance and enhance one another. To achieve this result, a thorough knowledge of the raw material is essential.
The identity of raw coffee plays a role of fundamental importance, because not all varieties behave in the same way during roasting, grinding and extraction.
Care in roasting is another distinctive feature of our experience. Each variety of coffee is roasted separately, each one requires specific times and temperatures, because it is on these factors that the success of the classic Italian espresso depends.
To satisfy all palates, we have devised seven precious blends, each one with its own distinctive character.
Seven, because the number is a sign of fullness and perfection.
The number seven represents every shape of discovery and knowledge.
The importance of this number is proven by its presence in spiritual and religious fields, for example in Buddhism.
The act of tasting and appreciation, designed to bring out the organoleptic qualities of the elixir of Arabia, completes the portrait of our products.
Rocket (100% Top Arabica) and Brigitte (100% Arabica) have been provided with a nutritional value table produced by a well-known analysis laboratory.
Together with passion, the other essential ingredients needed to obtain a high-end product are knowledge and research – to such an extent that we would define the production of an impeccable coffee blend as an art in its own right.
Do not hesitate to contact us for a free sample.