A new project resulting from the cooperation of Frandi Italia and Italcin

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We at ArtOn Café are glad to share with you the details our friend Mr. Alessandro Anselmi has sent us about his company and activities. Let’s find out more about the quality offered by Frandi Italia and Italcin and about their promising collaboration!

Let us introduce to you Frandi Italia

Frandi Italia is an Italian company which includes two branches: one is called Vallino and operates in the food sector; the other one is called Frandi Espresso and refers to the coffee machine sector (Frandi Italia, n.d.).

Frandi Espresso, thanks to its skilled division team, develops, produces and distributes high-quality Espresso coffee makers. Frandi relies on coffee specialists who have developed numerous machine models and technology patents in the coffee sector. The combination of technical experience with innovative solutions results in high-quality and reliable products (Frandi Italia, n.d.).

Frandi Italia’s know-how produces results that can be suitable for diverse uses, such as basic coffee makers for small-sized coffee roasters, or more sophisticated machines for famous brands (Frandi Italia, n.d.).

Source: Frandi Italia

Italcin, nice to meet you

Italcin is an Italian-managed company which operates in the Chinese market. Thanks to a long-term collaboration between Italy and China, Italcin’s engineers – both in the Belpaese and in the Land of the Dragon – have been improving the technology used in order to offer the best solution to its customers, who are mainly coffee roasters and appliance brands (Italcin, n.d.-b).

User-friendly characteristics of Italcin’s coffee makers is what makes them so unique and appreciated by coffee roasters. Coffee makers are in fact engineered in a peculiar way that makes them easy to use for the operators and very customizable thanks to their original manufacturing design (ODM) (Italcin, n.d.-b).

At Italcin, the customer has a vital role. That is why Italcin stresses the added value of its customer service, which aims at foreseeing the customers’ needs and dealing with them in the best way possible. At Italcin, one single reference person manages all issues for the customer, from order management to new projects (Italcin, n.d.-b).

Source: Italcin

The latest coffee maker: IC5

The collaboration between Frandi Italia and Italcin resulted in a new coffee maker, named IC5. With this user-friendly coffee-maker it is easier to get a great cup of coffee!

Concerning its characteristics, IC5 has a Standby Ecodesign label, implementing the directives of the European Parliament and Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off-mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household equipment (European Commission, n.d.).

IC5 has an easy-to-clean surface and water tank, and a sturdy and firmly mounted metal lever. There are two programmable brewing buttons with the short or long option and a folding cup rest for Espresso cups (Italcin, n.d.-a).

We at ArtOn Café recommend taking a look at IC5 website, as the results of the Italcin and Frandi Italia collaboration are really worth it, both in terms of quality and of competitive prices!

Source: Italcin – IC5


If you are interested in these unique and high-quality products, make sure you get in touch with the company!

Piazza Barontini, 26
57023 CECINA (LI) – Italy
Email address:


European Commission. (n.d.). Ecodesign – Standby and off mode. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/european-standards/harmonised-standards/ecodesign/standbyandoffmode_en

Frandi Italia. (n.d.). Frandi Company. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from http://www.frandi.it/home-frandi/en/company/

Italcin. (n.d.-a). IC5. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from https://www.italcin.com/ic5-coffee-makers

Italcin. (n.d.-b). Italcin Company. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from https://www.italcin.com/company

Picture credits a: Frandi’s catalogue (edited by ArtOn Café)), kindly sent to us at ArtOn Café by Mr. Anselmi

Picture credits b: Frandi’s catalogue (edited by ArtOn Café)), kindly sent to us at ArtOn Café by Mr. Anselmi


The era of virtual meetings is still going strong. In this article you will be able to find another interesting online (and offline) event that helps to connect the global market and seize business opportunities by breaking the time and space barriers

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In the last couple of years, China’s vending industry has developed rapidly, with an average annual growth rate of over 50%, and the part of the industry that has a big role in this report is the export of the machines. Customs Statistics show that in 2019 alone China shipped around 282,000 vending machines abroad, bringing in 103.17 million US dollars or, represented in percentages, 17% more than in the previous years.

Preview of the event

Since VMF is the biggest event in Asia, it represents the ideal platform to help connect global businesses during the time of the pandemic. After the positive experience the organizers had with the Online Matchmaking Service (which benefited buyers from 12 countries in 2020), the decision has been made to make it possible all over again this year! It is supported in this by 80+ Expert Advisors from influential trade bodies such as EVA, AVA, ANEDA, ABVM, IVMOA, VASA, JVMA, etc.

In 2020, VMF had a record number of 703 Exhibitors, more than double the year before. Some of the many that participated were Rhea Vendors (Italy), Silkron (Malaysia), CPI (US), TCN, JETINNO, Easy Touch, Kimma, Chipoo, Soyea, GREE, ProVending, Zhilai, Zebra, Yile, and so forth. The analysis showed that 89.12% of buyers were very satisfied with the show, and 61% of buyers spent at least two days visiting the show.

Some of the main objectives this exhibition had and will have are:

  • Vending Machines & Self-service Kiosks
  • Micro Market/Unmanned Stores
  • Payment Solutions
  • Office Coffee Services
  • Vending Items
  • Vending Machine Parts & Accessories
  • Logistics & Cold Chain for Perishable Vending Items
  • Vending Machines Management & Operations

Attendees and partners

Among the thousands of visitors and exhibitors, we noticed many famous names in the attendee and partner section. Here are only some of them:

Evoca group – Evoca Group is a leading multinational company in the out-of-home coffee machine sector, providing a comprehensive range of coffee machines and payment solutions for the Ho.Re.Ca, OCS and Vending markets. Headquartered in Italy (Valbrembo – Bergamo), Evoca has a global presence with nine production sites. Our products are used in more than 140 countries.

WMF – For more than 165 years, the brands that make up the WMF Group have stood for the best in cooking, drinking and dining. Every day, more than 100 million people around the world use products from WMF, Silit and Kaiser to prepare, cook, bake, eat and drink in their homes. The business has a long tradition, having been founded in Geislingen an der Steige in 1853, and has been part of the French Groupe SEB since the end of 2016.

Dolce world magazine – Dolce Magazine is a trendy, hip and exclusive magazine – bon vivants with a shared passion for gastronomy, travel and unique experiences. They claim that their driving force is a Belgian passion for world cuisine and that’s a passion they would like to share with you.

The organizers are inviting anybody interested in the event to follow them online and visit their website. You can preregister by filling in the following registration form and sending it to Rebecca Deng at vmf_committee@hotmail.com to register as VIP Visitor. This time, they offer both modalities – online and offline participation – so be sure not to miss it!

*Preregistered overseas buyers will enjoy a 2-night FREE stay in a 5-star hotel

Coffee prices rallied in April 2021 amid an anticipated decline in production and signs of economic recovery from the covid-19 pandemic

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ArtOn Café is proud to publish a monthly abstract of the ICO reports. On our website we have added the graphs of the London and New York stock exchanges. The former concerns Robusta coffee, while the latter refers to Arabica coffee. We have also added an interesting banner that presents the EUR to USD exchange rate. Please visit our website to access all these details.

Source: ICO

The following is an excerpt from the ICO market report of April 2021:

In April 2021, the ICO composite indicator rose by 1.4% to 122.03 US cents/lb as prices for all group indicators increased. Over the last six months, coffee prices have recorded a steady increase in monthly averages despite a few daily slumps. Relatively firm prices seem to encourage sales as world coffee exports amounted to 11.9 million 60-kg bags in March 2021, 2.4% higher than in March 2020. Shipments in the first half of coffee year 2020/21 increased by 3.5% to 65.4 million bags compared to 63.2 million bags recorded over the same period in coffee year 2019/20. However, cumulative exports from April 2020 to March 2021 are provisionally estimated at 129.5 million bags, a 1% decrease compared with the 130.8 million bags recorded from April 2019 to March 2020. World consumption for coffee year 2020/21 is projected at 166.3 million bags, an increase of 1.3% on its level of 164.2 million bags in coffee year 2019/20. The ICO has revised its production estimate for the current coffee year downwards, owing to Brazil’s smaller 2021/22 Arabica crop. Despite this, world consumption is forecast to remain at 2% below total production of 169.6 million bags in coffee year 2020/21.

Souce: ICO Coffee Market Report – April 2021


ICO. (2021). Coffee Market Report April 2021. Retrieved from https://www.ico.org/documents/cy2020-21/cmr-0421-e.pdf