ICO June Report: the upward trend in coffee prices continues

The upward trend in coffee prices continued in June 2021 as concerns about supply from major origins remained the key factor in the market […]

El Salvador

The coffee from this central American country is one of the best gourmet coffee types in the world, and can be found[…]

Exciting Coffee Festivals ahead of us

ArtOn Café is happy to be writing about the future Fair Trades and Festivals that will be held this year and next. It seems that[…]

Cup of Excellence 2021

ArtOn Café is happy to be sharing the news from the Cup of Excellence competitions in 2021 and this time[…]

Nutritional value of food: consumer awareness and marketing strategies

The EU is promoting strategies to respond to the needs of European citizens concerning food labelling and food awareness […]

ICO May Report: signs of revival in demand and renewed concern over Brazil crop

Coffee prices surged higher in May 2021 showing signs of progressive recovery with revival in demand and renewed concern over Brazil 2021/22 crop […]

Spotlight on DRWakefield

It gives ArtOn Café immense pleasure to write this article about DRWakefield, because when we were reading about their story[…]

Tea, an ancient tradition that keeps enchanting people worldwide

Tea is an ancient beverage which is consumed worldwide and which has numerous beneficial effects […]

The land of the gourmet Kona coffee

If there is one well-known type of coffee that originates from Hawaii it is definitely[…]

Colombia, a land of diversity

Colombia is famous for its diversity and quality in the coffee sector, which plays a vital role in the country’s economy […]